On Method
कबीरा कुआँ एक है, पानी भरे अनेक भांडे ही में भेद है, पानी सब में एक -Kabir O Kabir, there is but one well And many who draw Difference is the vessel Water stays the same. (my poor translation) Hermann Hesse, like Kabir,
कबीरा कुआँ एक है, पानी भरे अनेक भांडे ही में भेद है, पानी सब में एक -Kabir O Kabir, there is but one well And many who draw Difference is the vessel Water stays the same. (my poor translation) Hermann Hesse, like Kabir,
Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, Today I want to talk about a concept, an idea that is abstract but at the same time can be applied to the concrete. It is at the intersection of education, philosophy and architecture. I will start with something general, apply to the concrete by
Our garden has been barren for many months now. The kids, who tend to this garden, are living strange lives in their own homes; disconnected from each other and from us. This Teachers' Day we brought it alive again. It has been two years since we started the horticulture
One major objective for Raga Svara is to create, what I call, “Porosity of Boundaries”. I want to make the solid walls between apparently different ideas more porous, more accommodating. One such boundary is between western medicine and our traditional medicine. I have thought for quite sometime about Indian traditional
Lockdown Reading. Last year, a few of my 7th grade students made a request to allow them to sit in one of my philosophy classes. I warned them that they might not enjoy it as much as they presume. S - "No sir, please let us sit with you&
Sharing learning resources and readings during the COVID-19 lockdown. There is no coherent structure to this. It will be a bunch of links put together. Hopefully, it is useful to some.
Again and again Again and again, however we know the landscape of love and the little churchyard there, with its sorrowing names, and the frighteningly silent abyss into which the others fall again and again the two of us walk out together under the ancient trees, lie down again and
I don't quite remember how I got interested in reading Sartre. Sometime in the first or second year of my college, I got a copy of Being and Nothingness. At the time, I was a complete newbie to reading anything difficult, let alone philosophy. In hindsight, I can&
I want to start by sharing a story. This story is set in the school which I started and where I teach. A couple of months ago our second grade students started a science project. The project was to study the life cycle of a plant. Kids had established some