
Here is my first book.
Noema - Spaces of Refuge.

Some things cannot be put in to words. This is one of them. I have put together my poems and photographs, a harmony of my two passions. A window in to each other, and in to me.


Price: INR 2000 | EUR 25 | USD 25 | Shipping extra (for international orders)
Author: Mohit Khodidas
Publisher: Laya Press
Pages: 128, Hardcover

Poems in this book have been written over many years. I never intended to put them in public. Photographs are landscapes of Saurashtra, the land I have been given and that I love for all its eccentricities and tragedies.

I have so many people to thank. My friends and family, the centre of my life. I am a golem, among many other things, and they make me in their image, every day.

From the preface of the book:

I have imagined this book of poetry and images as a dialectical work; between images and text, between text and you, and hopefully between you and others, including me. Personal reading must also be an internal dialogue. Understanding is to be built together.